Analysis Characteristics of Arabic Language Elementary School Exam Questions
Characteristics of Items, Difficulty of Items, Learning ArabicAbstract
Evaluation in the form of a test is one of the most important elements that is usually used in a learning process, so educators should know the level of difficulty and the differentiating power of the items made. Therefore, this study was written to determine the level of difficulty and discriminating power of Arabic language test items in the final semester assessment of class V at Khairunnas Elementary School, Surabaya. This study uses a literature-based quantitative descriptive approach. The main data in this study are Arabic questions at the Final Assessment of the Arabic Semester at Khairunnas Elementary School, Surabaya. Based on the research that has been carried out, the researchers found that: The researcher found: (1) The difficulty level of the multiplechoice questions was that there were 2 (10%) difficult questions, 16 (80%) moderate questions, and 2 (10%) easy questions. Meanwhile, the difficulty level of the short description questions is: 1 difficult category (10%), 8 medium categories (80%), and 1 easy category (10%). at the difficulty level of the long description questions, 0 items were found in the difficult category (0%), 3 moderate questions (60%), and 2 easy questions (40%). (2) Multiple choice questions on the discriminating power of the items found that 2 items (10%) were in very good category, 9 items (45%) were good, 7 items (35%) were sufficient, and 2 items (10%) were bad. Furthermore, in the question of brief descriptions obtained items in the very good category 1 item (10%), good 4 items (40%), enough 1 item (10%) and 3 items (30%) poor category. As well as on the discriminating power of long description items, 3 items (60%) are in very good category, 0 items (0%) are good, 0 items (0%) are sufficient, and 2 items (40%) are bad.
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