Bidayatul hidayah, pendidikan akhlak, transformasi nilai, transaksi nilai, transinternalisasi nilaiAbstract
Advances in technology and science in this era of globalization have made the world
situation transparent, the barriers between national cultures have begun to disappear,
resulting in the ease of foreign cultures influencing other cultures. To protect against
negative things, serious treatment is needed in the form of moral development through
religious education. The aim of this research is to analyze the internalization transformation
stage, the transaction stage and the trans-internalization stage of the value of moral
education through the recitation of the Bidayatul Hidayah book for Class VIII Girls at MTs
Unggulan Nuris Jember. The research method used is qualitative with a phenomenological
approach. The research results show that several processes used in transforming the values
of Islamic religious education are lectures (mau'idzah), stories and taking ibroh, as well as
the sorogan method. This process is used to transform the values of aqidah, shari'ah and
morals. Where at this stage it is taught how to transform knowledge to students. So that
students really know and understand what is taught by the teacher and what is taught by
the students themselves or through discussion. At the transaction stage, the values of moral
education are shown in steps in the form of habituation and punishment. This habit is
applied in internalizing the values of Islamic education both in faith, shari'ah and morals.
Next, in the value transinternalization stage, the most influential thing is example. This is
shown in the example set directly by caregivers and teachers. This example consists of how to worship Allah SWT, how to carry out the commandments of the Shari'ah and how to
behave well towards others. The conclusion of this research is that the internalization of
moral education values through the recitation of the Bidayatul Hidayah Book is shown in
several processes, including the transformation of Islamic education values in the form of
lectures, stories and sorogan, value transactions in the form of habituation and punishment,
and the trans internalization of values shown by morals that are exemplified directly by
caregivers and teachers.
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